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Many thanks to the greatly talented 3D design artist and computer animator, Serdar Camlica, for the use of his work, aptly titled "Atlantis". Check out his gallery on his site

Much of the material for this podcast was purchased at a most amazing outpost of love and light, Second Sight Book Store, now doing business as The New Visions Marketplace

This site made on a Mac with Freeway.

Jess Stearn was an author best known for his Cayce autobiography "The Sleeping Prophet", though he had nine best sellers. An excerpt from the audio book version of his work "Edgar Cayce on the Millennium", is part of Episode Eighty Two.



Barbara Marx Hubbard is on deck.....

Spiritual teacher Eckhart Tolle offers wisdom from the audiobook version of "The New Earth". Episode Eighty Two.



Barbara Marciniak is a channel for the Pleiadians. A message from her audiobook of "Bringers of the Dawn" is part of Episode Eighty Two.

Rev. Frieda Probst is the channel for The Sisters of Light. Their message coming from the book "The Mother Transcriptions" is Episode Eighty.



The amazing work of Walter and Lao Russell are highlighted in Episode Eighty One.

Alan Watts: "Inability to accept the mystic experience is more than an intellectual handicap. Lack of awareness of the basic unity of organism and environment is a serious and dangerous hallucination." Episode Seventy Eight.



Jose Trigueirinho Netto, author, teacher, servant to humanity - emparts his wisdom and that of his contacts in Episode Seventy Nine.

Neville Goddard: “The Lord of hosts will not respond to your wish until you have assumed the feeling of already being what you want to be, for acceptance is the channel of His action." Episode Seventy Eight.



Joel Goldsmith: "Spiritual illumination comes to us in a measure with our first investigation of truth...This inflow of illumination will continue until we come to the full realization of our true identity as "the light of the world". Episode Seventy Eight.

Sal Rachele is the instrument through which the energies known as Leah, Isis, Lord Sananda, the Arcturians, and the creator gods known as The Founders come through. The Founders are Episode Seventy Six.



Barbara Brodsky is the channel for the one known as Aaron. Episode Seventy Seven.

Elora Gabriel (pictured) and Karen Kirchbaum are the mediums through which the Creator God Heru comes to us with his message in the book "The Return of Light". Heru, a.k.a. Horus, incarnated as the first Egyptian pharoah. Episode Seventy Three.



Linda Stein-Luthke and Marin Luthke, Ph. D.'s lightwork include the channeling of Ascended Masters and the publishing of the free "Ascended Master Newsletter". Coming through for Episode Seventy Four is El Morya Khan from the book "Navigating the Fourth Dimension".

John Randolph Price authored "The Superbeings", who we were and are, soon all to realize. This is Episode Seventy One.



The  late  Dr. Hwee-Yong Jang  gives us his insights into the great change in the book "The Gaia Project 2012" from which comes Episode Seventy Two.

Here is a man who needs no introduction... The story of Atlantis which is Episode Seventy was based on the Edgar Cayce life readings, that shocked and amazed his clients with tales of thier lives long ago.



Sanaya Roman presents the wisdom of Orin, from the book "Living With Joy" in Episode Sixty Nine.

Guy Steven Needler travels the 100 frequency levels of Creation, conversing with entities including the Source Entity, creator of this particular Universe. Episode Sixty Seven.



Ann Valentin brings forth the Archangel Uriel in Epidsode Sixty Eight. There is no website for Ann nor her channeling partner, Virginia Essene. They also brought us the Silver Ray in Episode Fifty Five.

Dr. Robert Ghost Wolf authored "Last Cry", a collection of "Native American Prophecies and Tales of the End Times". Selections from this work are Episode Sixty Five - Aho Mitakuye Oyasin.



Standing Elk brings us "Maka Wicahpi Wicohan, The Universal and Spiritual Laws of Creator", a collection contributed to by 70 spiritual teachers from other realms. Episode Sixty Six.

The Three Initiates gave us the book "The Kybalion" based on the teachings of Hermes Trismegistus. The audio book narrated by Michael Scott is Episode Sixty Three, Parts One through Four.



Ronna Herman gives us the Archangel Michael from the book "Your Sacred Quest". Episode Sixty Four.

James Tyberonn is the channel for Archangel Metatron, a.k.a. The Keeper of the Light. This is Episode Sixty One.



David K. Miller is the instrument through which many ascended beings and higher density entities offer their wisdom. Episode Sixty Two comes from the book "New Spiritual Technology for the Fifth Dimensional Earth"

Diana Luppi brings us the entities who call themselves "Mission Control". From the book "E.T. 101 - The Cosmic Instruction Manual for Planetary Evolution". Episode Fifty Eight.



Lawrence and Michael Satorius wrote "The New Earth" trilogy, from the first book, "The Higher Knowledge" comes Episode Sixty.

Grace Cooke is the channel for the entity White Eagle from the book "Spiritual Unfoldment 1" in Episode Fifty Six.



Eric Klein is another phantom on the web. He brings us Ashtar from the book, "The Crystal Stair". Episode Fifty Seven. Channeled messages from Sananda, Archangel Michael and St. Germain are other chapters.

Carol Heideman's book "Searching for Light" is a channeling of the Michael energy and is Episode Fifty Four.



Virginia Essene (pictued) and Ann Valentin channel the Silver Ray in the book "Cosmic Revelation". Episode Fifty Five.

Phyllis Schlemmer channels the entities known as "The Council of Nine". Episode Fifty Two.



Elisabeth Fitzhugh brings us the "merged energy" of five non-physical beings called Orion. Episode Fifty Three.

from his website ... "Gregg Braden is a rare blend of scientist, visionary, and scholar with the ability to speak to our minds, while touching the wisdom of our hearts" - Deepak Chopra. Episode Fifty is from the book "The Divine Matrix".



Annie Kirkwood gives us "Mary's Message to the World" in Episode Fifty One.

Lumari is the channel for Alawashka, both being and language, in Episode Forty Eight.



Sri Ram Kaa and Kira Raa bring us the Archangel Zadkiel from the book "2012 Ascension" Episode Forty Nine.

Gina Lake is the instrument that brings us the entity Theo, from the book "Radiance", which is Episode Forty Six.



Early twentieth century author and spiritual philosopher James Allen wrote the book "The Heavenly Life". The audio book is Episode Forty Seven, parts one & two.

Ileah Van Hubbard Moore channels the voice of the entity known as Mother Mary, mother of Jesus in a previous incarnation. This is Episode Forty One.



Neale Donald Walsch gives us "Conversations with God". Episode Forty Four, "In the Creator's Words" comes fromm book 1.

Carol Bell Knight is the channel for Rabindra Matori in Episode Thirty Nine.



Sharon Shane is the instrument through which many entities come forth in "The Architects of Light". (Episode Forty)

Patricia Cori gives us the voice of the "Speakers of the Sirian High Council" recounting our history on this planet on Atlantis. (Episode Thirty Six & Episode Forty Two)



Lee Carroll is the channel for Kryon of magnetic service. Episode Thirty Eight comes from the book "The End Times: New Information for Personal Peace".

Ascended Master Djwal Khul (pictured) speaks through the channel Violet Starre. (Episode Thirty Four)



Elmarilla Bailey brings forth the energies known as Irshya. (Episode Thirty Five)

LaUna Huffines brings us the entity known as Jaiwa and his gift of the "Bridge Of Light". (Episode Thirty Two)



J. Z. Knight brings us the entity known as Ramtha. (Episode Thirty Three)

Dr. Michael Sharp gives us "The Great Awakening", book one in the series on the "Lightning Path" to awakening. (Episode Thirty)



Pat Rodegast is the instrument through which comes the beautiful words of Emmanuel. (Episode Thirty One)

Jach Pursel has channeled Lazaris since 1974. Episode Twenty Eight is from the book, "Lazaris - The Sacred Journey, You and Your Higher Self".



Carla Rueckert channels Q'uo, a combination of fourth, fifth and sixth density memory complexes known as Hatonn, Latwii, and Ra. (Episode Twenty Nine & Forty Three & Episode Seventy Five - Parts 1 & 2 )

Sandra Radhoff Lund brings us the energy that calls itself Kyros, from the book "The Kyrian Letters". Episode Twenty Six.



Tom and Linda Carpenter. Tom recieves these messages from an entity that he chose to call "Brother", an energy that is known quite well to all of us as Jesus. Episode Twenty Seven, "Dialogue On Awakening".

Tony Stubbs is the instrument through which comes the entity "Serapis", with the message of "An Ascension Handbook". Epidode Twenty Four.



Meredith Lady Young channels "Mentor" through the process of automatic writing. From the book "Agartha, A Journey To the Stars". Episode Twenty Five is "Earth School".

An interview with author and researcher David Icke is Episode Twenty Two.



Solara Antara Amaa-Ra "is a messenger to humanity from the Golden Solar Angels." Her message comes from the book "The Star-Borne: A Remembrance for the Awakened Ones", and is Episode Twenty Three.

Jane Roberts is the channel for the being callling itself Seth. (Episode Twenty) From the book "Seth Speaks".



Tom Kenyon channels the entity known as Hathor in Episode Twenty One.

Ken Carey is the channel for the Archangel Raphael from the book "The Starseed Transmissions: An Extraterrestrial Report". (Episode Eighteen)



Darryl Anka is the channel for Bashar. (Episode Nineteen)

Jani King is the channel for the entity known as P'taah from the Pleiades. (Episode Fifteen)



Hatonn comes through several instruments recorded by Don Elkins of L//L Research. (Episode Seventeen)

So far, I have been unable to find any information on Azena Ramanda. No site, no pics, no active e-mail for the publisher. Episode Ten is from her channeled book, "Earth's Birth Changes", St. Germain is pictured.



Rasha "receiveved and transcribed" the material coming from the universal presence "Oneness". (Episode Fourteen)

Mary-Margeret Moore is the instrument for the information coming through, she has named the source Bartholomew. (Episode Eleven)



Dr. Allen Roland's "Unified Field" of love and concsiousness is Episode Nine.

Nigel Lesmoir-Gordon produced and directed the documentary, "The Colours Of Infinity", which contains "Infinit: The Journey". Fractal images by Will Rood. The book /DVD is available from Clear Books. The videos are on the video page. Pictured is Professor Benoit Mandlebrot.



Dr. Norma J. Milanovich channels our ET brothers and sisters from Arcturus. The book is "We, The Arcturians". (Episode Seven)

Chief Little Summer and Warm Night Rain - Authors of the most amazingly detailed description of the Universe, "The Teachings, For The Fourth Density Aquarian" Volumes One through Four. (Episode 2, 3 and 16)



Sara Lyara Estes channels The Hosts Of Heaven. Entities that we call angels. They bless us with their message of the Earth to be, Terra. The place we have always known would be. (Episode 5 & 6)

Ian Xel Lungold has left this density of existence. His teachings will continue enlightening seekers to the divine nature of the Mayan Calendar. The video seminars here are lengthy (8 1/2 hours total) and mandatory viewing.



Rhea Powers is the channel for ascended master Sanat Kumara in Episode Twelve.

David Wilcock - His newest work is "The Source Feild Investigations". He is the author of free online books which are converted to .pdf here. One of David's channelings of Ra is podcast Episode One.



Dr. Carl Calleman's extensive research into the meaning of the Mayan calendar has produced two volumes, the latest being "The Mayan Calendar and The Transformation Of Consciousness"(EpisodeEight). His articles on the Fifth Day of the Galactic Underworld are Episode Four.

the podcast

mayan calendar

earth light web

Crop Circle wingmillhill1


 the greys


hanub ku

milky way

mayan pyramid

eye of ra


mandlebrot set

"Day Four" from "The Creation Series" by Costanza Knight (entire picture is on Quotes & Pictures pages)


The Sons Of The Law Of One Podcast

the podcast